Year Name Developer Systems
1983? 10 Games for MZ-700 Sharp Corporation mz700
19?? 3-D Graphikpaket BBG Software mz700
19?? 3-D Way Out BBG Software mz700
19?? 3D Car Race <unknown> mz700
19?? 6502 Interpreter BBG Software mz700
1982 Ace Racer Solo Software mz700
19?? Advanced Chess Solo Software mz700
1985 Airbus A 310 BBG Software mz700
1986 Aliens Activision super80 mz700 spectrum cgenie c64 apple2e aquarius cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 mame
19?? Amityville Jean François Campan mz700
1986 Antares BBG Software mz700 cpc464 hb701fd
1982 Anthill Raiders Solo Software mz700
1982 Apollo Word Processor Apollo Software mz700
1985 Apprentissage des Nombres Cobra Soft mz700 cpc464
1982 Asteroid Belt Computer Concepts a2600 bbcb mz700 spc1000 c64
1981 Astro Blaster Sega bbcb mz700 spectrum c64 hb701fd ibm5170 tvc64 a7800 mame
1982 Attack-A-Tank Solo Software mz700
1983 BASIC Interpreter 1Z-013B Sharp Corporation mz700
1984 BASIC Interpreter MZ-5Z008 Sharp Corporation mz700
1984 BASIC Sharp MZ-700 Tutorial Solo Software mz700
1978 Backgammon Interact Electronics a2600 compclr2 trs80 apfm1000 videopac trs80l2 interact atom pc8001 coco zx81 bbcb fm7 mz700 spectrum to7 dragon32 cgenie c64 fp1000 mtx512 lynx48k vz200de cpc464 ibm5170 vg5k hb701fd mo5 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 gameboy cdimono1 mame
19?? Base Zero <unknown> mz700
19?? Basic 700/4 R. & L. Software mz700
1987? Bienvenue sous LOGO Jean François Campan mz700
1983 Biorhythmus Ursoft mz700 c64
1989 Blast Off Namco mz700 ibm5170 vgmplay mame
19?? Bloktekeningen <unknown> mz700
1983 Bomber Man Hudson Soft mz80b mz700 x1 spectrum hb701fd x68000 vgmplay
1984 Boulder Dash First Star a2600 a800 bbcb coleco mz700 fm7 spectrum c64 electron apple2e ibm5170 orao scv cpc464 hb701fd nes pc8801mk2mr pmd851 tvc64 radio86 gameboy uzebox mame
1984? Breuken 1 Roger Deneweth? mz700
19?? C-Master Ursoft mz700
19?? Calendrier Jean François Campan mz700 cpc464
1983 Cannon Ball ハドソン (Hudson Soft) mz80b mz700 x1 spectrum rx78 hb701fd pc8801mk2mr mame
1986 Catacombes Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Catacombes+ Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Caterpillar Crawl and Counter Reverse Knight's Computers mz700
1984 Centronics Interface Utility Multisoft mz700
1982 Club Golf Solo Software mz700
19?? Codewoord <unknown> mz700 c64
1982 Commando Plain Solo Software mz700
19?? Competitie <unknown> mz700
19?? Comput-A-Slot Solo Software mz700
19?? Computertekenen <unknown> mz700
1979 Connect Four Milton Bradley ti99_4 microvsn mz700 c64
1983 Conveyor Solo Software mz700
1982 Cribbage Superior Software bbcb mz700 dragon32 spectrum c64 hb701fd ibm5170
1982 Croaker Solo Software bbcb mz700 electron
1982 Cyfax Solo Software mz700
1982 DBP701+ Datenbanksystem Kersten & Partner mz700
1982 Database Filer Solo Software mz700
19?? Datei Universal BBG Software mz700
1985 Demasaso Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Descente aux Enfers Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Destructeurs Jean François Campan mz700
1984 Disk BASIC Interpreter MZ-2Z009E Sharp Corporation mz700
1982 Domination Solo Software mz700 c64 cpc464
1983 Donkey Gorilla ツクモ (Tsukumo) mz700 pc8801mk2mr
1983 Easidata Solo Software mz700
1985 Exploding Atoms Sanyo mz700 c64 hb701fd ibm5170
1984 Fantastic Grove BBG Software mz700
1982 Fighter Command Solo Software mz700 c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170
1982 Fire!!! Solo Software mz700
1982 Fisherman Fred Solo Software mz700
1984 Flugsimulator HOBRA Soft mz700
19?? Full Speed BBG Software mz700
19?? Gate Crasher and Jungle Jinks Knight's Computers mz700
19?? Geboortedatum <unknown> mz700
1982 Global War III Solo Software mz700
19?? Globule Jean François Campan mz700
1983 Gobbler MGB Software mz700
19?? Greedy Gremlins Knight's Computers mz700
19?? Grid BBG Software mz700 c64
19?? Guerre Spatiale Jean François Campan mz700
19?? HDC Orgel <unknown> mz700
1982 HiSoft Pascal Hisoft nascom1 mz700 spectrum cpc464 hb701fd ep64
19?? Hunchy Solo Software mz700 spectrum c64
1984 Impossible Mission Epyx bbcb mz700 spectrum c64 electron apple2e oric1 cpc464 tvc64 a7800 sms
19?? Interpreter PASCAL SP-4015 <unknown> mz700
19?? Isola Jean François Campan mz700 to7 c64 cpc464
19?? Jeux Intergalactiques Jean François Campan mz700
1986 Jumping-Runner Jean François Campan mz700
19?? K&P 80-column Disk Basic Kersten & Partner mz700
1984 K&P BASIC Kersten & Partner mz700
1984 Kalender Michael Gartner mz700
1987 Kamertje Verhuren NOS mz700
1984 Kasboek NOS mz700
1982 Kentucky Derby Solo Software mz700 c64
19?? King Solomon's Mines Solo Software mz700 c64
19?? Knight's Castle <unknown> mz700
19?? Knight's MZ-700 Forth Knight's Computers mz700
19?? Kuma Interpreter <unknown> mz700
1981 Lady Bug Universal intv coleco mz700 c64 mame
19?? Le Cadre Diabolique Jean François Campan mz700
1982 Le Mans Commodore / HAL Laboratory mz700 vic10 c64 cpc464 hb701fd mame
1982 Le Pendu Centre National de Documentation Pedagogique (CNDP) mz700 to7 cpc464 mo5 mame
19?? Lichtkrantspel Henk Barten mz700
19?? Lightning Patrol Solo Software mz700
19?? Lijnenspel <unknown> mz700
19?? Lissajou-Figur <unknown> mz700
19?? ML SP-8002 BBG Software mz700
1983 MZ-700 Forth Sharpsoft mz700
19?? MZ-700 Klavier MZ-Verlag mz700
1985 MZ700 Plot RK-Datentechnik mz700
1983 Mac Pac DEVIL-Soft mz700
19?? Mad Maze BBG Software mz700 c64 cpc464
19?? Manza Jean François Campan mz700
1976 Mastermind apple computer inc apple1 sdk85 sorcerer super80 mz700 to7 c64 galaxy mc10 lynx48k vz200de cpc464 ibm5170 tvc64
1986 Matpendu Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Maze Escape Solo Software mz700
19?? Messing <unknown> mz700
19?? Mission A Jean François Campan mz700
1986 Mission Alpha Jean François Campan mz700
1984 Mission Delta ERE Informatique mz700 oric1 cpc464
1981 Mole Attack Commodore vic1001 mz700 vic10 c64 mame
1983 Monitor Jupiter Cantab jupace mz700 galaxy cpc464 tvc64
19?? Monitor 6 <unknown> mz700
19?? Morpion Jean François Campan mz700 c64 phc25 oric1
19?? Morpius Jean François Campan mz700
1985 Moty BBG Software mz700
19?? Muc Mac BBG Software mz700 mz800
19?? Multicopy-BV <unknown> mz700
19?? Musique Suisse <unknown> mz700
1984 Mystery of Munroe Manor Severn Software mz700 c64
1987 Nakamoto The Power House mz700 cpc464
1982 Nibbler Rock-Ola mz700 c64 apple2e oric1 cpc464 mame
1981 Nightmare Park Macronics mz700 spectrum c64 cpc464
1984 Nite Flite Solo Software mz700
198? Octopussy Peaksoft zx81 mz700 spectrum
19?? PCG BASIC Interpreter Ursoft mz700
19?? PCGAID-700 HAL Laboratory mz700
1986 Panique Eaglesoft zx81 mz700 spectrum hb701fd
1983 Para Shoot Solo Software mz700
1983 Patrol Alpha BBG Software mz700
1979 Poker Gakken vic1001 bbcb mz700 to7 spectrum c64 galaxy mc10 cpc464 mo5 lynx mame
19?? Printerfiguren <unknown> mz700
1985 Puissance 4 DCsoft mz700 to7 cpc464 mo5
1984 Puzzle <type-in> vip super80 mz700 c64 x07 cpc464 hb701fd nes x68000 dcjp
1984 Qixi BBG Software mz700
19?? Raummühle <unknown> mz700
19?? RealFortran BBG Software mz700
1987 Rebond Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Rescue Plane <unknown> mz700
1982 Reverse Hudson Soft mz700 to7 c64 mo5
19?? Rolls-Royce 1906 Silverghost <unknown> mz700
1984 S-BASIC Compiler BBG Software mz700
19?? S-BASIC/Vertaler BASICODE-2 <unknown> mz700
19?? SOSZ80 Fortran <unknown> mz700
1983 SPA Data Solo Software mz700
19?? SUTAM1F <unknown> mz700
19?? SUTAMC9 <unknown> mz700
1982 Safecracker Solo Software intv mz700 c64
1984 Schach 700 Hobra Soft mz700
1988 Shogun Hect mz700 c64 apple2e cpc464 nes
19?? Sin-Berg <unknown> mz700
19?? Sky Chaos <unknown> mz700
19?? Soudard Jean François Campan mz700
19?? South Pacific Jean François Campan mz700
19?? Space Guerilla BBG Software mz700
1991 Spectrum Debugger Proton Software mz700
1984 Squash Itisa vip mz700 c64 galaxy cpc464 vg5k mame
1986 Star Fighter Eaglesoft mz700 spectrum c64 oric1 hb701fd x68000 mame
1979 Star Trek Bally compclr2 trs80 ti99_4 m20 jupace super80 zx81 bbcb fm8 a5200 mz700 dragon32 cgenie c64 spectrum mc10 oric1 cpc464 einstein ibm5170 hb701fd tvc64 x68000 mame
1984 Strip Poker Artworx mz700 adam c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 pcw8256 a500
19?? Sub-Monitor 700 <unknown> mz700
1983 Submarine Shooter Hudson Soft mz700 hb701fd
19?? Suicide Run and Space Fighter Knight's Computers mz700
19?? Super Bandit <unknown> mz700
1983 Super Biorhythm Solo Software mz700
19?? Super Helicopter Nag Soft mz700
19?? Super Spy Erik van Hattum mz700 dragon32 spectrum c64
19?? Super Vrac Jean François Campan mz700
1983 Superior Space Invader P. Dormand mz700
1989 Systeme Expert Jean François Campan mz700
1983 Tape Worm BBG Software mz700
1987? Telefontarieven NOS mz700
1982 Three Card Brag Solo Software mz700 cpc464
1986 Tomahawk Digital Integration mz700 c64 spectrum apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 pcw8256 apple2gs mame
1982 Tracker Solo Software mz700 c64 cpc464 ibm5170 a500
19?? Trucker Solo Software mz700 c64
19?? Typevaardigheid Henk Barten mz700
1983 UFO Protek vip pc8001 zx81 mz700 c64 ibm5170 tvc64
19?? URAS-Z80 <unknown> mz700
1984 Urania II Jean François Campan mz700
1985 Vicious Viper Sanyo mz700 hb701fd
1986 Vol 676 Jean François Campan mz700
1984? Vragend Maken NOS mz700
1983 Wizards Castle Knight's Computers mz700 mbee
1983 Wonder House Task Forts Kochi mz700 pc8801mk2mr
19?? Wooky BBG Software mz700
1987 XBC F BBG Software mz700
1983 Xanagrams Dean Software bbcb mz700 spectrum c64 cpc464
19?? Y.A.M.S. Jean François Campan mz700
1989 Z80 Disassembleur Jean François Campan mz700
1983 Zen Multisoft bbcb mz700 hb701fd