Year Name Developer Systems
1984 35 Programs for the Dragon 32 Softek dragon32
2014 3D Labyrinth Jim Gerrie nascom1 dragon32 spectrum
1984 3D Lunattack Hewson Consultants dragon32 spectrum
1982 3D Maze I.J.K. nascom1 vic1001 jupace bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64 electron oric1 hb701fd
198? 3D Rocket C.Rochester dragon32
1984 3D Seiddab Attack Hewson Consultants dragon32 spectrum
1984 3D Space Wars Hewson Consultants dragon32 spectrum
198? 6809 Disassembler Brian Cadge dragon32
1985 6809 Express Quickbeam dragon32
1983 747 Flight Simulator DACC bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64 electron
198? A Contar Eurohard S.A. dragon32
198? Accountant Plus New Era Software dragon32
1984 Ace High! Mk.2 Tudor Williams dragon32
1982 Adventure 1 - Mansion Microdeal dragon32
1982 Adventure 2 - Jerusalem Microdeal dragon32
198? Adventure 200 Foilkade Ltd dragon32 spectrum
1982 Adventure 3 - Williamsburg Microdeal dragon32
1983 Adventure 4 - Ultimate Microdeal dragon32
1983 Adventure Trilogy Dragon Data dragon32
1984 Adventure Writer Twom Software dragon32
2014 Adventure in the Near Tholian Sector Jim Gerrie dragon32
1979 Adventureland Adventure International trs80l2 sorcerer vic1001 super80 dragon32 mbee spectrum c64 x07 electron apple2e ibm5170 pc8801mk2mr pc9821
198? Aerobat J.R.G. Nash dragon32
1983 Agenda Answare to7 dragon32 mo5
1993 Air Assault Irem dragon32 c64 vgmplay mame
1978 Air Traffic Control Creative Computing Software sol20 trs80l2 super80 bbcb zx81 dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170
1987 Airball Microdeal dragon32 ibm5170 nes xegs a500 apple2gs
1983 Albert and the Monsters Algray dragon32
1982 Alcatraz II - The Doomsday Mission Microdeal dragon32 spectrum
1981 Alien Blitz UMI vic1001 dragon32 c64
1983 Alien Oddessy Part I and II Bamby Software dragon32
1983 Aliens+ Wizard Software dragon32
1983 Alldream Dragon Data dragon32
198? Alto Mando - Objetivo Invasion Investronica dragon32
1982 Amazing Bamby Software dragon32 c64 ibm5170
1983 And All Because... B&H Software dragon32
1983 Android Invaders Lyversoft dragon32
1985 Anti Gravity Dragonfire Services dragon32
1986 Aquanaut 471 Microdeal dragon32
1994 Arcadia NMK vic1001 dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464
1983 Area Radar Controller Software For All bbcb dragon32
1985 Artist Blue Ribbon bbcb dragon32 spectrum
1984 Astrology Dragon Data dragon32
1981 Astrosmash Mattel Electronics a2600 intv dragon32 aquarius
2012 Aststorm Jim Gerrie dragon32
1985 Athletyx Microdeal dragon32
198? Atom Hunt Datacom Publications dragon32
1977 Attack Exidy dragon32 c64 phc25 ibm5170 mame
198? Autorun Graham Pollock dragon32 mc10
1975 Avenger Electra zx81 vic10 to7 dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464 mo5 ibm5170 mo6 pce mame
1984 B.C. Bill Imagine bbcb dragon32 c64 spectrum
1983 BMK-RTTY Grosvenor Software dragon32
1983 Baby Dragon 1 Gravesend Home Computers dragon32
1983 Baccarat Cable Software trs80 dragon32 c64
2001 Back Track Telegames dragon32
198? Back-Up <unknown> dragon32
1978 Backgammon Interact Electronics a2600 compclr2 trs80 apfm1000 videopac trs80l2 interact atom pc8001 coco zx81 bbcb fm7 mz700 spectrum to7 dragon32 cgenie c64 fp1000 mtx512 lynx48k vz200de cpc464 ibm5170 vg5k hb701fd mo5 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 gameboy cdimono1 mame
1990 Balldozer <unknown> dragon32 cpc464
1983 Bandit Soft Joe's Software dragon32 spectrum c64 oric1 ibm5170 mame
1984 Bandito Pocket Money Software dragon32
1984 Barmy Burgers Blaby Computer Games dragon32 spectrum
1984 Basic Tutorial Solo Software dragon32 einstein
1983 Basic Tutorial Advanced Level Ampalsoft dragon32
198? Basic Tutorial Avanzado Parte 3 Eurohard S.A. dragon32
1983 Basic Tutorial Beginners Level Ampalsoft dragon32
198? Basicode 2+ BBC Radio dragon32 spectrum
1984 Basicode Kit Grosvenor Software dragon32
1984 Beam Rider Pony Canyon dragon32 hb701fd
1986 Beanstalker MicroVision dragon32
1980 Berzerk Stern a2600 studio2 a800 mt65 a5200 vectrex dragon32 c64 coleco vgmplay mame
1987 Big Characters Dragonfire Services dragon32
1982 Black Sanctum Dragon Data dragon32
1983 Bloc Head Dragon Data dragon32
1984 Blockbuster Quiz Computerware dragon32
1986 Blockbuster Quiz 2 Computerware dragon32
1984 Bmkrtty G4Zqo Grosvenor Software dragon32
1984 Bombs Away Basil Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1983 Bonka J.Morrison Micros dragon32 c64
1983 Bopswizzle Bamby Software dragon32
1984 Boris the Bold Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1985 Boulder Crash Hebdogiciel dragon32 cpc464
1984 Brocks Kingdom Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1984 Bubble Buster Pocket Money Software dragon32 spectrum
1983 Bug Diver Galactic Software dragon32 c64
1983 Bugged Dungeon Software dragon32
1984 Bumpers Eurohard S.A. dragon32
1988 Bust Out! Dragonfire Services dragon32
198? Buzz R.A. Davis dragon32
1984 Buzzard Bait Tom Mix Software dragon32 apple2e ibm5170
198? Buzzin' Bertie Duncan Bryan dragon32
1988 CAD-6809 Pulser Software dragon32
2014 CIA Jim Gerrie dragon32 c64
1982 Calixto Island Dragon Data dragon32 ibm5170
198? Car Simulator Super Select Software dragon32
1984 Cashman Michtron dragon32 c64 mbc55x
1983 Cassette 50 Cascade zx81 dragon32 spectrum cpc464
198? Cassette Inlay Card Designer P.J.Beed dragon32
1986 Castle Adventure <unknown> dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 hb701fd
198? Castle Attack M&D Systems dragon32
1984 Castle Blackstar SCR Adventures bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464
1984 Castle Dracula Duckworth bbcb dragon32 c64 cpc464
198? Castle of Doom Challenge Ware adam dragon32 mbee c64
1982 Cat and Mouse Zaccaria bbcb dragon32 c64 mame
1983 Catalogue Sort and Mail Dungeon Software dragon32
1983 Catalyst Factory Programming dragon32
1983 Cave Fighter Cable Software dragon32 c64
2014 Cavern Raider Jim Gerrie dragon32
1984 Caverns of Chaos Blaby Computer Games dragon32 ibm5170
1982 Caverns of Doom Premier Microsystems dragon32 c64
1983 Cells & Serpents ASP Software dragon32
198? Cesil Plays 21 Snip Software dragon32
1984 Chambers Microdeal dragon32
198? Champions! Peaksoft zx81 bbcb dragon32
198? Championship Darts Shadow Software dragon32 spectrum
1982 Chateau Gem Software dragon32 c64
1985 Chatview Compusense dragon32
1982 Chess Mattel compclr2 a800 jupace bbcb spectrum dragon32 c64 vz200de electron aquarius apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 intel02 radio86 genesis psion3a psj
2000 Chicken Run THQ dragon32 gameboy psj dcjp vgmplay
198? Christmas Music D.Makin dragon32
1983 Chuckie Egg A&F Software atom bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64 electron einstein cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 st a500 uzebox
1983 Cimeeon Moon Dragon Data dragon32
1980 Circus Gottlieb a2600 database arcadia dragon32 spectrum c64 vz200de electron ibm5170 mame
1983 Circus Adventure Dragon Data dragon32
1982 City Defence Bug Byte bbcb dragon32 spectrum a500
1982 Clowns & Balloons Tandy coco dragon32
1982 Clowns 1 - Juggling Wizard Software dragon32
1982 Clowns 3 - Catching Wizard Software dragon32
1984 Co-Res Editor/Assembler Microdeal dragon32
19?? Colossal Cave <unknown> compclr2 bbcb dragon32 mbee
198? Colour Graphics Dump Deltasoft dragon32
1993 Combat Air Patrol Psygnosis dragon32 ibm5170 a500
1982 Computa Fruita Wizard Software dragon32
1982 Computavoice Dragon Data dragon32
1984 Computer Studies Ampalsoft dragon32 c64
198? Concentrate MK1 Software dragon32
1983 Conquering Everest ASP Software bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64
1985 Contabilidad Personal FPS Software dragon32 cpc464 hb701fd
1983 Conveyor Belt T&D Software/Microdeal dragon32 oric1
198? Convoy Vince Cockett dragon32 spectrum c64
1983 Convoy Attack Romik Software dragon32
1984 Copier Microstar Software dragon32 spectrum
1984 Copta Snatch Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1984 Copter Patrol J.Morrison Micros dragon32
19?? Core Wars <homebrew> dragon32 aa3010
1983 Cosmic Clones Dragon Data dragon32
1984 Cosmic Cruiser Imagine bbcb dragon32 c64 spectrum
1982 Cosmic Crusader Funtastic dragon32 c64 ibm5170
1983 Cosmic Zap Microdeal dragon32
1986 Counties Quiz Croft Soft dragon32
1987 Cowboy <unknown> dragon32 c64 m5 tvc64
1984 Cranky Acornsoft/ASK bbcb dragon32
1979 Crash Exidy super80 dragon32 spectrum c64 phc25 vz200de mame
198? Crazy Foota Computape dragon32
1987 Crazy Foota 2 Computape dragon32
1988 Crazy Foota 3 Orange Software dragon32
1983 Crazy Painter Superior Software bbcb dragon32 c64
198? Creepies & To Boldly Go Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1982 Cribbage Superior Software bbcb mz700 dragon32 spectrum c64 hb701fd ibm5170
1983 Cruising on Broadway Sunshine dragon32 c64
1985 Crusader Pony Canyon dragon32 spectrum hb701fd
1984 Cu*Ber Tom Mix Software dragon32
1983 Cuthbert Goes Digging Microdeal dragon32
1983 Cuthbert Goes Walkabout Microdeal dragon32 c64
1986 Cuthbert and the Golden Chalice Microdeal dragon32
1984 Cuthbert in Space Microdeal dragon32 c64
1985 Cuthbert in the Cooler Microdeal dragon32
1983 Cuthbert in the Jungle Microdeal dragon32 c64
1983 Cuthbert in the Mines Microdeal dragon32
1983 Cyclops Romik Software dragon32
1982 Dancing Devil Tom Mix Software dragon32
1982 Danger Island Software For All dragon32
1984 Danger Ranger Microdeal a800 dragon32 c64
1985 Dark Star Design Design dragon32 c64 spectrum
1984 Darts MRM Software bbcb dragon32 c64 electron cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170
1984 Data File Manager Dialog Software dragon32
1983 Data Retrieval System Salamander Software dragon32
1983 Database Acornsoft jupace bbcb dragon32 spectrum mbee electron cpc464
1984 Datafall Pocket Money Software dragon32
198? Datapen Microtechnology dragon32 spectrum
1983 Dataplan PSS dragon32
1982 Deadwood A&F dragon32
1983 Death Cruise Virgin Games dragon32
1983 Death Mines of Sirus Phoenix Software dragon32
1983 Death Trap Avalon Hill a2600 trs80 dragon32 pc8801mk2mr a500
198? Death Valley Micro Data dragon32 c64
1983 Death's Head Hole Peaksoft dragon32 spectrum
2014 Defcon1 Jim Gerrie dragon32
1982 Defense Microdeal sorcerer dragon32 c64 ibm5170
198? Delta Utility - Disk 2 Tape J.C.Bussell dragon32
198? Delta Utility - File Address J.C.Bussell dragon32
1976 Demolition Derby Chicago Coin coco dragon32 c64 mame
198? Demon Knight ASP Software bbcb dragon32 spectrum c64
1984 Demon Seed Michtron dragon32 mbc55x
198? Desert Golf Compusense dragon32
1984 Desperado Dan Blaby Computer Games dragon32
1984 Detective Amsoft dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464
1983 Devil Assault Microdeal dragon32
1982 Devil's Island Apex Trading dragon32 spectrum c64
198? Devil's Triangle Abacus dragon32
1985 Dickie Spaceman Quickbeam dragon32