Year Name Developer Systems
1986 1-2-3 Digit Multiplication Microcomputer Workshops apple2e
1991 1-2-3 Sequence Me Sunburst apple2e
1983 101 Misused Words Learning Seed Company apple2e
1983 12-Bar Tunesmith Electronic Courseware Systems apple2e
1987 2400 A.D. Origin apple2e ibm5170
1986 A Bird's Eye View of The Main Idea Frontier Software apple2e
1987 A Brand New View D.C. Heath and Company apple2e
1984 A Christmas Adventure Bitcards apple2e
1986 A First Program About Insects January Productions apple2e
1986 A Newbery Adventure - A Wrinkle in Time Sunburst Communications apple2e
1987 A Newbery Adventure - Charlotte's Web Sunburst Communications apple2e
1983 A Puff of Air - The Respiratory System Marshware apple2e
1988 A Question of Scruples Leisure Genius spectrum apple2e
1984 A Treasure Hunt of Facts Josten Learning Systems apple2e
1986 A Week That Changed The World Educational Publishing Concepts apple2e
1985 A-mazing Words World Book apple2e
1984 ACT Preparation Series Krell Sotware apple2e
1984 ARCO Computer Preparation for the SAT ARCO Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for CP/M South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for MultiPlan South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for SuperCalc South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for WordStar Volume 1 South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for WordStar Volume 2 South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for dBASE II Volume 1 South-Western Publishing apple2e
1984 ATI Training Power for dBASE II Volume 2 South-Western Publishing apple2e
1987 Ace Detective Mindplay apple2e
1988 Ace Explorer Mindplay apple2e
1989 Ace Inquirer Mindplay apple2e
1987 Ace Reporter Mindplay apple2e
1983 AceCalc ArtSci apple2e
1983 Acid / Base Reactions Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation apple2e
1984 Adding Fractions Microcomputer Workshops Courseware apple2e
198? Addition Patrice Lapierre apple2e alice32
1984 Addition - Fractions Concepts Steps 1-8 Instructional/Communications Technology apple2e
1984 Addition - Fractions Steps 9-21 Instructional/Communications Technology apple2e
1990 Addition - Multiple Renamings Jostens Learning apple2e
1990 Addition - Two Renamings Jostens Learning apple2e
1984 Addition - Whole Numbers Steps 1-17 Instructional/Communications Technology apple2e
1984 Addition Magician The Learning Company c64 apple2e
1990 Addition of Fractions - Common Denominators Jostens Learning apple2e
1984 Adjectives Hartley Courseware apple2e
1984 Advanced Analogies Hartley Courseware apple2e
1984 Advanced Electricity Educational Materials and Equipment apple2e
1987 Advanced Math Shop Scholastic apple2e
1978 Adventure Atari ti99_4 atom zx81 bbcb adam c64 electron apple2e vz200de ibm5170 gameking
1984 Adventure Alpha Milliken Publishing apple2e
1986 Adventure Construction Set Electronic Arts c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500
1984 Adventure Creator Spinnaker a800 c64 apple2e
1984 Adventure Double Feature Volume II Scholastic apple2e
1987 Adventures in Problem Solving - A Trip to London Holt, Rinehart, and Winston apple2e
1987 Adventures in Problem Solving - Alice's Adventure in Numberland Holt, Rinehart, and Winston apple2e
1987 Adventures in Problem Solving - Marathon Holt, Rinehart, and Winston apple2e
1987 Adventures in Problem Solving - The Treasure of Forest Isle Holt, Rinehart, and Winston apple2e
1983 Adventures in Space Intellectual Software apple2e
1984 Adventures with Fractions Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation (MECC) c64 apple2e
1981 Agenda Files Apple Computer apple2e
1984 Agent USA Scholastic c64 apple2e ibm5170
1983 Air Nav Workshop Space-Time Associates apple2e
1982 Air Navigation Trainer Space-Time Associates apple2e
1980 Air Raid Pearl Harbor Unknown apple2e
1979 Air Traffic Controller unknown sorcerer c64 apple2e ibm5170
1981 Alaska Applecart Programs for Education apple2e mame
1985 Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress Activision coleco c64 apple2e hb701fd
1985 Alfred's Basic Band Computer Tutor Alfred Publishing Company apple2e
1986 Alfred's Basic Piano Theory Software Alfred Publishing Company apple2e
1984 Alfred's Music Achievement Series - Level I Alfred Publishing Company apple2e
1985 Alge-Blaster Davidson & Associates apple2e
1989 Alge-Blaster Plus! Davidson & Associates, Inc. apple2e ibm5170
1986 Algebra Action Houghton Mifflin apple2e
1985 Algebra Drill and Practice I Conduit apple2e
1985 Algebra Drill and Practice II Conduit apple2e
1981 Algebra Volume 1 Edu-Ware apple2e
1983 Algebra Volume 2 Edu-Ware apple2e
1983 Algebra Volume 3 Edu-Ware apple2e
1983 Algebra Volume 4 Edu-Ware apple2e
1984 Algebra Volume 5 Peachtree Software apple2e
1984 Algebra Volume 6 Peachtree Software apple2e
1983 Algebra Word Problems Intellectual Software apple2e
1987 Algernon Sunburst apple2e
1982 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Stuart Smith apple2e
1982 Alibi Hayden Book Company apple2e
1982 Alice in LogoLand Krell Software apple2e
1985 Alice in Wonderland Windham Classics apple2e
1983 Alien Munchies Gentry Software apple2e
1982 Aliencounter and Face Flash Milliken Publishing apple2e
1986 Aliens Activision super80 mz700 spectrum cgenie c64 apple2e aquarius cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 mame
1981 Alkemstone Dakin5 Corporation apple2e
1988 All About America Unicorn Software apple2e apple2gs
1983 All About Purim Davka Corporation apple2e
1984 Alligators and Crocodiles Troll Associates apple2e
1983 Alphabet Beasts and Company Reader's Digest Software apple2e
1984 Alphabet Circus NeoSoft c64 apple2e
1991 Alphabet Fun - Big and Little Letters Troll Associates apple2e
1990 Alphabet Fun - Learning The Alphabet Troll Associates apple2e
1983 Alphabet Zoo Spinnaker a800 vic1001 c64 coleco spectrum apple2e ibm5170
1983 Alphabetic Keyboarding Volume 1 South-Western Publishing Co. apple2e
1983 Alphabetic Keyboarding Volume 2 South-Western Publishing Co. apple2e
1984 Alphabetical Order Intellectual Software apple2e
1980 Alphabetization Sequence Milliken Publishing apple2e
1983 Alphabetizing - Blue Level Methods & Solutions apple2e
1987 Alpine Tram Ride Learning Technologies c64 apple2e ibm5170
1985 Alter Ego Activision spectrum c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k hb701fd vgmplay
1993 Amazing Arithmetricks MECC apple2e
1984 America Coast to Coast Mindscape apple2e
1984 American Government Micro Learningware apple2e
1986 American History Achievement IV - World War II to the Present Microcomputer Workshops Courseware apple2e
1984 American History Adventure Queue Inc. apple2e
1984 Analogies Tutorial Hartley Courseware apple2e
1983 Analytical Reasoning Queue apple2e
2016 Ancient Legends none(*) apple2e
1992 Animal Homes and Stories Troll Associates apple2e
1985 Animal Hotel Learning Technologies c64 apple2e
1985 Animal Kingdom Unicorn Software apple2e apple2gs
1984 Animal Photo Fun Developmental Learning Materials apple2e
1990 Animal Stories IV Micrograms Publishing apple2e
1989 Animal Survival Hartley Courseware apple2e
1988 Animal Watch - Tracks D.C. Heath apple2e
1988 Animal Watch - Whales D.C. Heath apple2e
1988 Animal Watch - Wolves D.C. Heath apple2e
1986 Animate Broderbund Software apple2e
1984 Ankh Datamost c64 apple2e
1983 Antonym Antics MUSE Software apple2e
1989 Antonyms/Synonyms Hartley Courseware apple2e
1987 Antonyms/Synonyms 1 Hartley Courseware apple2e
1987 Antonyms/Synonyms 2 Hartley Courseware apple2e
1999 Ape Escape Sony c64 apple2e psj
1983 Aphasia I Parrot Software apple2e
1983 Aphasia II - Opposites and Similarities Parrot Software apple2e
1983 Aphasia III Parrot Software apple2e
1985 Aphasia IV Parrot Software apple2e
1983 Apple Cider Spider Sierra c64 apple2e
1980 Apple Galaxian Broderbund Software apple2e
1980 Apple How To - Lessons in Computing and Calculating Apple Computer apple2e
1983 Apple II Test Disk Shawnee Mission Unified School District apple2e
1981 Apple Project Manager Apple Computer apple2e
1981 AppleWriter ][ Apple Computer apple2e
1982 Apventure to Atlantis Synergistic Software apple2e
1983 Aquatron Sierra On-Line apple2e
1984 Arcade Boot Camp John Besnard apple2e
1983 Arcademic Drill Builder - Master Match Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1983 Arcademic Drill Builder - Meteor Mission Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1986 Arcademic Intermediate Math - Decimal Discovery Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Alien Addition DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1984 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Alligator Alley Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Alligator Mix DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Demolition Division DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Dragon Mix DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Meteor Multiplication DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Minus Mission DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Verb Viper Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Word Invasion Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1984 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Word Man Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1984 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Word Master DLM (Developmental Learning Materials) c64 apple2e
1983 Arcademic Skillbuilder - Word Radar Developmental Learning Materials (DLM) apple2e
1986 Architectural Review & Testmaker Hearlihy & Co. apple2e
1984 Archon - The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts fm7 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 xegs
1985 Archon II - Adept Electronic Arts c64 apple2e cpc464 a500
1986 Arcticfox Dynamix spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 st a500 pc9821
1983 Ardy the Aardvark Datamost c64 apple2e
1985 Arena Top Ten spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 a500
1983 Argos Datamost c64 apple2e
1984 Arithmekicks Houghton Mifflin apple2e
1984 Arithmetickle Houghton Mifflin apple2e
1993 Arizona Mix MECC apple2e
1986 Arkanoid Taito coco bbcb to7 c64 spectrum svi318 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd mo5 ibm5170 mac128k bk0010 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 apple2gs pc9821 uzebox vgmplay mame
1985 Around The World - Getting The Main Idea Methods and Solutions apple2e
19?? Artesians Reno Soft apple2e
1983 Association Pictures Parrot Software apple2e
1984 Astro Attack Amsoft apple2e cpc464
1981 Audio Visual Inventory I.M.C. apple2e
1988 Audubon Wildlife Adventrues - Grizzly Bears Advanced Ideas apple2e
1983 Aural Skills - Basic Chords Electronic Courseware Systems apple2e
1983 Aural Skills - Intervals Electronic Courseware Systems apple2e
1983 Aural Skills - Seventh Chords Electronic Courseware Systems apple2e
1985 Autoduel Origin Systems c64 apple2e ibm5170
19?? Averages <unknown> spectrum apple2e
1982 Axis Assassin Electronic Arts c64 apple2e
1982 Aztec Datamost x1 c64 apple2e pc8801mk2mr
1983 BASIC Building Blocks Micro Education apple2e
1983 BC's Quest for Tires Sydney Development a800 c64 coleco spectrum apple2e ibm5170 hb701fd tvc64
1990 BIG and little - Books, Posters, and Cards for Muppet Slate Sunburst Communications apple2e
1984 Back in Time Blue Ridge Software apple2e
1987 BackAid BrainBank apple2e
1989 Backyard Birds MECC apple2e
1988 Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja Data East spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 hb701fd nes a500 vgmplay mame
1986 Bake & Taste Mindplay apple2e
1985 Balancing Act Intellectual Software apple2e
1985 BallBlazer Lucasfilm Games a5200 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd nes a7800 xegs
1986 Band Saw and Shaper Safety Abraxas Basic Courseware apple2e
1985 Bank Street StoryBook Mindscape apple2e
1992 Banner Books - All Along The Alphabet Queue apple2e
1992 Banner Books - Your School Day Queue apple2e
1984 Bannercatch Scholastic c64 apple2e ibm5170
1987 Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior Palace c64 spectrum electron apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 hb701fd a500
1989 Baron Superior Software/Acornsoft zx81 bbcb spectrum electron apple2e
1983 Barron's Computer SAT Study Program Barron's Educational Series, Inc. apple2e
1986 Basic Biology Media Materials apple2e
1990 Basic Division Facts - Dividends to 25 - Factors to 5 Jostens Learning Corporation apple2e
1990 Basic Division Facts - Dividends to 81 - Factors to 9 Jostens Learning Corporation apple2e
1986 Basic Drafting - Review & Testmaker Hearlihy & Co. apple2e