Year Name Developer Systems
1986 221B Baker Street Datasoft c64 apple2e
1984 3 in 1 College & Pro Football Lance Haffner c64 apple2e
1978 3-D Docking Mission Programma International apple2e
1980 40 and 80 Track DOS Sympathetic Software apple2e
1985 A Mind Forever Voyaging Infocom apple2e ibm5170 mac128k c128 a500
1982 A-E Broderbund apple2e
1981 A2-FS1 Flight Simulator subLOGIC apple2e
1980 ABM Muse apple2e
1979 ATC Avante-Garde apple2e cpc464
1983 Accounts Receivable Continental Software bbcb apple2e
1982 Acid Trip Demetrius Cross apple2e
1983 Advanced Blackjack Muse apple2e
2014 Advanced Demuffin 4AM apple2e
1990 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Champions of Krynn U.S. Gold apple2e a500 pc9821 vgmplay
1989 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds SSI c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500 pc9821 vgmplay
1988 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance SSI c64 apple2e ibm5170 nes a500 pc9821 vgmplay
1978 Adventure Atari ti99_4 atom zx81 bbcb adam c64 electron apple2e vz200de ibm5170 gameking
19?? Adventure 1 アスキー (ASCII) spectrum apple2e pc8801mk2mr
1982 Adventure to Atlantis Synergistic Software apple2e
1985 Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Adventure International c64 electron apple2e ibm5170
1984 Aeronaut Bill Edison apple2e
1980 Air Raid Pearl Harbor Unknown apple2e
1986 Airheart Broderbund apple2e
1983 Airplane Simulator Ted Kurtz apple2e
1979 Akalabeth - World of Doom California Pacific Computer c64 apple2e ibm5170
1983 Aleph Baiters Gesher Educational Affiliates apple2e
1984 Alesia P. Garcia apple2e
1987 Alf - The First Adventure Box Office c64 apple2e ibm5170
1982 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Stuart Smith apple2e
1982 Alien CCE a2600 zx81 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 svision
1981 Alien Rain Broderbund apple2e
1981 Alien Typhoon Starcraft apple2e
1985 Alter Ego Activision spectrum c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k hb701fd vgmplay
1985 Alternate Reality - The City (circle k crack Datasoft apple2e
1987 Alternate Reality - The Dungeon Datasoft c64 apple2e
1986 AmDOS Gary B. Little apple2e
1984 Amazon Trillium c64 apple2e ibm5170
1986 Amnesia Electronic Arts spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170
1982 Andromeda Conquest Avalon Hill pet2001 c64 apple2e ibm5170
1984 Ankh Datamost c64 apple2e
2019 Anti-M 4AM apple2e
1985 Ants Micro-Sparc apple2e
1979 Apple Bowl Apple Computer, Inc. apple2e
1983 Apple Cider Spider Sierra c64 apple2e
1980 Apple Graphics Games Unknown apple2e
1986 Apple II Desktop Version Soft apple2e
1991 Apple II Diagnostic Disk Apple Computer apple2e
1981 Apple Invader Creative Computing apple2e
1980 Apple Pairing Fan's Brother apple2e
1981 Apple Panic Broderbund vic1001 mbee apple2e ibm5170
1991 Apple Spice Marin Computer Center apple2e
1979 Apple Trek Apple Computer, Inc. apple2e
1978 Apple Vision Apple Computer, Inc. apple2e
1983 AppleWorks Apple Computer, Inc. apple2e
1984 Arcade Boot Camp John Besnard apple2e
1983 Arcade Insanity Avant-Garde apple2e
1984 Archon - The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts fm7 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 xegs
1985 Archon II - Adept Electronic Arts c64 apple2e cpc464 a500
1986 Arcticfox Dynamix spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 st a500 pc9821
1985 Ardy Daily Computer Game apple2e
1983 Argos Datamost c64 apple2e
1988 Arkanoid 2 Hack apple2e
1986 Armageddon King Cruces Software c64 spectrum apple2e
19?? Artesians Reno Soft apple2e
1989 Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur Infocom apple2e ibm5170 a500
1979 Asteroids Atari a2600 compclr2 studio2 nascom1 a800 apfimag nascom2 sorcerer zx81 a5200 mbee c64 coleco apple2e vz200de cpc464 a7800 x68000 gameboy psj mame
1985 At The Gates Of Moscow Softgroup apple2e
1985 Autoduel Origin Systems c64 apple2e ibm5170
1980 B-1 Bomber Avalon Hill apple2e
1987 B-24 Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e ibm5170
1988 Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja Data East spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 hb701fd nes a500 vgmplay mame
1987 Balance of Power - Geopolitics in the Nuclear Age Mindscape apple2e hb701fd pc8801mk2mr a500 pc9821
19?? Ball Blaster <unknown> apple2e
1986 Ballyhoo Infocom a800 adam c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 mac128k pcw8256 a500
1984 Baltic 1985 Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1982 Bandits Sirius Software vic1001 c64 apple2e
1986 Baratin Blues Froggy Software apple2e
1983 Baron - The Real Estate Simulation Blue Chip c64 apple2e ibm5170
1981 Baseball Strategy Avalon Hill pet2001 apple2e
1984 Batatlan Simulations Canada apple2e
19?? Battalion Commander Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
1986 Battle Group Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
1982 Battle for Normandy Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e ibm5170
1985 Battle of Antietam Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e ibm5170
1980 Battle of Hoth Tukumo apple2e
1988 Battle of Napoleon Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1983 Battle of the Parthian Kings Avalon Hill c64 apple2e
1988 BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception Westwood apple2e ibm5170 a500
1987 Battlecruiser 1 Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1987 Battlecruiser 2 Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1986 Battlefront Strategic Studies Group c64 apple2e
1987 Battles in Normandy Keating, Trout, Taubman, Power, Whiley c64 apple2e
1980 Battleship Eagle Computer Systems compclr2 mbee c64 apple2e ibm5170 nes a500 gameboy cdimono1 gamegear vgmplay
1982 Battlesight Versa Computing apple2e
1984 Beach Landing Optimum Resource apple2e
1984 Beach-Head Access Software bbcb to7 c64 spectrum x07 electron apple2e cpc464 hb701fd mo5 mo6
1985 Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back Access Software spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464
1985 Beast War Avalon Hill apple2e
1984 Below the Root Dale Disharoon c64 apple2e ibm5170
1979 Beneath Apple Manor The Software Factory apple2e ibm5170
1980 Beneath the Pyramids Crystal apple2e
1984 Berzap! Infinity Limited apple2e
1988 Best of Muse Mindscape apple2e
1984 Beyond Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Mindscape apple2e
1984 Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Muse Software a800 c64 apple2e ibm5170
19?? Beyond Floppy Greg Hale - Ted Cohn apple2e
1986 Beyond Pinball Dark Logic apple2e
1987 Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor Infocom apple2e ibm5170 c128 a500 apple2gs
1982 Big Mac Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange apple2e
19?? Big Mac IIe Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange apple2e
1987 Bismarck - The North Sea Chase Datasoft c64 apple2e
1983 Black Belt Atari a5200 c64 apple2e gamegear
1987 Black Magic U.S. Gold spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 mame
1980 Black Sage Poly-Versa-Technology Software apple2e
1981 Blacksmith Market Falcons <unknown> apple2e
1979 Blitzkrieg Programma Software bbcb spectrum c64 electron apple2e
19?? Blood Quest Questware apple2e
1986 Blue Powder, Grey Smoke GARDE apple2e
1982 Bolo Synergistic Software c64 apple2e ibm5170
1993 Bomb Alley Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1984 Bongo's Bash John Romero apple2e
19?? Bons Baisers D'outre Tombe Timothee Herpin - Oliver Gisselbrecht apple2e
1986 Bop 'N Wrestle Mindscape apple2e
1987 Border Zone Infocom c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k
1983 Borders Gesher Educational Affiliates apple2e
1981 Borg Sirius Software apple2e
1985 Borrowed Time Activision c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k a500
19?? Both Barrels Sirius Software apple2e
1984 Boulder Dash First Star a2600 a800 bbcb coleco mz700 fm7 spectrum c64 electron apple2e ibm5170 orao scv cpc464 hb701fd nes pc8801mk2mr pmd851 tvc64 radio86 gameboy uzebox mame
1986 Boulder Dash Construction Kit First Star Software spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 a500
1984 Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Riot First Star a800 spectrum apple2e cpc464 hb701fd
2004 Box World Ventzislav Tzvetkov apple2e
1983 Break the Bank! Gentry Software apple2e
1976 Breakout Atari vip nascom1 trs80l2 atom sorcerer jupace zx81 spectrum c64 coleco apple2e oric1 cpc464 orao ibm5170 mame
1984 Breakthrough in the Ardennes Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
19?? Breaktrough <unknown> apple2e
1978 Bridge Challenger Georges Duisman apple2e mame
1985 Brimstone Synapse Software apple2e ibm5170
1983 Broadsides Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
1985 Bronze Dragon Connonwealth apple2e
1986 Bronze Dragon Side II Commonweaalth apple2e
1984 Bruce Lee Datasoft a800 bbcb c64 spectrum apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 pc8801mk2mr xegs sms vgmplay
1983 Bubble-Head Tellus Systems apple2e
1982 Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom Sega a2600 a800 ti99_4 vic1001 a5200 c64 coleco adam spectrum sg1000 apple2e ibm5170 hb701fd mame
1984 Bucks! Bruce Jaeger c64 apple2e
1981 Bug Attack Cavalier Computer c64 apple2e pc8801mk2mr
1987 Bureaucracy - A Paranoid Fantasy Infocom apple2e c128 a500
1985 Caddraw Kitchen Sink Software apple2e
1982 Calc-Man Softdisk Magazette apple2e ibm5170
1988 California Raisins and the Cereal Factory Box Office Software c64 apple2e ibm5170
19?? Cannon Ball Blitz On-Line Systems apple2e
1984 Captain Cuckoo Kurt and Yan Software apple2e
1985 Captain Goodnight Broderbund apple2e
1987 Captain Power Box Office Software apple2e
199? Card Shark Vivid apple2e mame
1985 Card Shark II Paul M. Zelman apple2e
1988 Card Sharks Sharedata c64 apple2e ibm5170 gameboy
1983 Carrier Force Strategic Studies Group c64 apple2e
1984 Carriers at War Strategic Studies Group c64 apple2e ibm5170
1981 Cartels and Cutthroats Strategic Studies Group apple2e
1981 Cartels and Cuttthroats Strategic Studies Group apple2e
1981 Castle Wolfenstein Muse Software a800 c64 apple2e ibm5170
1981 Castles of Darkness Michael J. Cashen apple2e
1983 Cavern Creatures Datamost apple2e
19?? Caverns of Callisto Chuckles apple2e
1983 Championship Baseball Milton Bradley ti99_4 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 st a500
1986 Championship Gambler Green Valley Publishing apple2e
1982 Championship Golf Hayden Software spectrum c64 apple2e a500
1982 Chess 7.0 Odesta c64 apple2e
1983 Chez 21 Microlon apple2e
1985 Chinese Dragon <unknown> apple2e
1985 Chipwits Brainpower apple2e
1983 Chivalry Optimum Resource apple2e
1982 Choplifter Dan Gorlin a800 intv apfimag vic1001 a5200 c64 coleco fm7 x1 to7 sg1000 smc777 apple2e hb701fd nes pc8801mk2mr a7800 xegs sms vgmplay mame
19?? Chrono Warrior <unknown> apple2e
1987 Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer Electronic Arts spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 a500
1985 Class Struggle Avalon Hill apple2e
19?? Close Assault Avalon Hill apple2e
19?? Club Casino Keypunch Software apple2e ibm5170
1989 Clue Master Detective Virgin Mastertronic International apple2e a500
1985 Colonial Conquest Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
2004 Colorix Ventzislav Tzvetkov c64 apple2e
1984 Competition Karate Motivated Software c64 apple2e
1980 Computer Air Combat Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1982 Computer Ambush Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
1981 Computer Baseball Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e ibm5170
1980 Computer Bismarck Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1980 Computer Conflict Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1980 Computer Napoleonics Strategic Simulations, Inc. apple2e
1981 Computer Quarterback Strategic Simulations, Inc. c64 apple2e
1981 Conflict 2500 Microcomputer Games pet2001 c64 apple2e
1986 Conflict in Vietnam MicroProse c64 apple2e ibm5170
1981 Conglomerates Collide Rockroy apple2e
1983 Congo Bongo Sega a2600 a800 intv ti99_4 vic1001 a5200 c64 coleco sg1000 apple2e ibm5170 hb701fd mame
1983 Conquering Worlds Datamost apple2e
1981 Copts and Robbers Sirius Software apple2e
19?? County Carnival Dan Illowsky apple2e
1990 Court Circuit Logo apple2e
19?? Crack of Doom <unknown> apple2e
19?? Crazy Maczy <unknown> apple2e