Year Name Developer Systems
1989 2088 - The Cryllan Mission Victory Software apple2gs
1990 2088 - The Cryllan Mission - The Second Scenario Victory Software apple2gs
1988 4th and Inches Accolade apple2gs
1987 816/Paint Baudville apple2e apple2gs
1988 Aesop's Fables Unicorn Software apple2gs
1988 Alien Mind PBI Software apple2gs
1986 Arkanoid Taito coco bbcb to7 c64 spectrum svi318 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd mo5 ibm5170 mac128k bk0010 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 apple2gs pc9821 uzebox vgmplay mame
1987 Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH Taito spectrum c64 cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 nes a500 x68000 snes apple2gs vgmplay mame
1989 Art and Film Director Epyx apple2gs
1988 Audubon Wildlife Adventures - Grizzly Bears Advanced Ideas apple2gs
1989 Audubon Wildlife Adventures - Whales Advanced Ideas apple2gs
1989 Balance of Power - The 1990 Edition Mindscape ibm5170 st a500 apple2gs
1988 Battle Chess Interplay c64 apple2e ibm5170 st nes x68000 a500 fmtowns apple2gs cdtv pc9821 cd32
1987 BeagleDraw Beagle Bros. apple2gs
1987 Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor Infocom apple2e ibm5170 c128 a500 apple2gs
1987 Blackjack Academy MicroIllusion a500 apple2gs
1989 Block Out Technos Japan / California Dreams c64 ibm5170 bk0010 nes st a500 x68000 lynx genesis apple2gs pc9821 mame
1990 Bridge 6.0 Artworx a500 apple2gs
1988 Bubble Ghost Accolade c64 cpc464 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs gameboy vgmplay
1987 Calendar Crafter MECC apple2gs
1987 California Games Epyx a2600 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 nes a500 lynx genesis apple2gs sms vgmplay mame
2022 Canal Meurtre Brutal Deluxe Software apple2gs
1988 Captain Blood Ere Informatique to7 spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 st mo6 a500 apple2gs
1988 Cartooners Electronic Arts ibm5170 apple2gs
1987 Cavern Cobra PBI Software apple2gs
1990 Charlie Brown's ABC's American School Publishers c64 apple2gs
1988 Club Backgammon California Dreams c64 ibm5170 apple2gs
1991 Columns GS Quality Computers apple2gs
1989 Cribbage King & Gin King The Software Toolworks a500 apple2gs
1989 Crystal Quest Cassidy & Greene spectrum apple2gs gameboy pc9821
1986 Dark Castle Silicon Beach Software spectrum c64 ibm5170 mac128k a500 genesis apple2gs cdimono1 vgmplay
1986 Defender of the Crown Cinemaware c64 spectrum cpc464 ibm5170 mac128k nes a500 apple2gs cdtv cdimono1 gba vgmplay
1985 Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True Mindscape, Inc. c64 ibm5170 mac128k st a500 apple2gs pc9821
1987 DeluxePaint II Electronic Arts apple2gs
1989 Designer Prints MECC apple2gs
1990 Designer Puzzles MECC apple2gs
1977 Destroyer Atari spectrum mbee c64 apple2e hb701fd ibm5170 nes a500 apple2gs mame
1989 Downhill Challenge Brøderbund c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1990 Dragon Wars Interplay c64 ibm5170 nes x68000 a500 apple2gs pc9821
1983 Dragon's Lair Cinematronics coleco adam spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 nes a500 genesis snes apple2gs gameboy cdimono1 mame
1991 Dragon's Lair 2 - Time Warp Leland ibm5170 a500 apple2gs cdimono1 mame
1987 Dragon's Lair II - Escape from Singe's Castle Software Projects spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1993 Dragon's Lair III - The Curse of Mordread ReadySoft ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 Draw Plus Activision apple2gs
1988 Dream Zone Baudville ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1992 DreamGrafix DreamWorld apple2gs
1988 Déjà Vu ICOM Simulations apple2gs
1987 Fantavision Brøderbund apple2e ibm5170 apple2gs
1989 Fast Break Accolade c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1989 Final Assault Epyx spectrum c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1989 First Categories Laureate Learning Systems apple2gs
???? First Letters and Words First Byte apple2gs
1987 First Shapes First Byte apple2gs
1989 Full Metal Planete Infogrames st a500 apple2gs
1992 GATE Seven Hills Software apple2gs
1986 GBA Championship Basketball Activision spectrum apple2e a500 apple2gs
1985 Gauntlet Atari spectrum c64 coleco electron apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 nes apple2gs sms vgmplay mame
1988 Geometry Brøderbund hb701fd mac128k apple2gs
1989 Gnarly Golf Fanfare by Britannica apple2gs
1989 Gold Rush! Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1989 Grand Prix Circuit Accolade spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1990 GraphicWriter III Seven Hills Software apple2gs
1987 Graphics Supermarket Abracadata apple2gs
1989 Great Western Shootout Fanfare by Britannica apple2gs
1986 Hacker II - The Doomsday Papers Activision spectrum c64 apple2e ibm5170 st a500 apple2gs
1990 Halls of Montezuma SSG c64 apple2e apple2gs
1985 HardBall! Accolade c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 st a500 xegs genesis apple2gs
1990 Hostage - Rescue Mission Mindscape ibm5170 apple2gs
1991 Hover Blade MCX apple2gs
1989 HyperStudio Roger Wagner Publishing apple2gs
1992 ImageMaster - Basic Paint JADA Graphics apple2gs
1988 Impossible Mission II Novotrade spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes a500 apple2gs
1988 Instant Synthesizer Electronic Arts apple2gs
1989 Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf Accolade cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 nes pc8801mk2mr pce a500 x68000 snes apple2gs gameboy
1989 Jam Session Brøderbund mac128k apple2gs
1988 Jigsaw Britannica Software dragon32 spectrum c64 cpc464 pc8801mk2mr apple2gs
1987 John Elway's Quarterback Leland c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes apple2gs mame
1989 Keef the Thief Naughty Dog / Electronic Arts a500 apple2gs
1984 King's Quest - Quest for the Crown Sierra ibm5150 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k a500 apple2gs sms vgmplay
1985 King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs vgmplay
1987 King's Quest III - To Heir is Human Sierra ibm5170 st a500 apple2gs vgmplay
1988 King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1989 LaserForce Fanfare apple2gs
1987 Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards Sierra On-Line apple2e apple2gs
1996 LemminGS Brutal Deluxe Software apple2gs
1991 Life and Death Mindscape a500 x68000 apple2gs pc9821
1987 List Plus (version 1.0 Activision apple2gs
1987 Mad Libs First Byte apple2gs
1988 Magical Myths Unicorn Software apple2e apple2gs
1983 Mancala DaTaBioTics ti99_4 c64 apple2gs
1988 Manhunter - New York Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1984 Marble Madness Atari c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes a500 x68000 genesis fmtowns apple2gs gameboy sms gamegear pc9821 vgmplay mame
1988 Master Tracks Jr. Passport Designs apple2gs
1989 Master Tracks Pro Passport Designs mac128k apple2gs
1987 Math Blaster Plus! Davidson and Associates apple2e ibm5170 apple2gs
1988 Math Wizard Unicorn Software a500 apple2gs
1988 Math and Me Davidson and Associates apple2e apple2gs
1987 Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing The Software Toolworks c64 apple2gs
1987 Mean 18 Accolade ibm5170 a7800 xegs apple2gs
1990 Mercury MECC apple2gs
1987 Mini Putt - The Ultimate Challenge Accolade spectrum c64 ibm5170 apple2gs
1988 Mixed-Up Mother Goose Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 fmtowns apple2gs
1979 Monte Carlo Atari spectrum c64 cpc464 mo5 apple2gs mame
1987 MultiScribe IIgs StyleWare apple2gs
1996 Music Construction Set Electronic Arts apple2e apple2gs
1989 Neuromancer Electronic Arts c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1992 NoiseTracker FTA apple2gs
1989 Omega Origin c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs pc9821 mame
1992 Out of this World Interplay Productions ibm5170 apple2gs
1988 Paintworks Gold Activision apple2gs
1986 Paintworks Plus Activision apple2gs
1991 Panzer Battles IIgs Strategic Studies Group (SSG) apple2gs
1984 Paperboy Atari bbcb c64 spectrum electron apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes st a500 lynx genesis apple2gs gameboy sms gamegear vgmplay mame
1990 Peanuts Maze Marathon IIgs American School Publishers apple2gs
1989 Photonix Free Tools Association apple2gs
1990 Photonix II Free Tools Association apple2gs
1989 Pipe Dream Empire bbcb spectrum c64 electron apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 mac128k pc8801mk2mr nes a500 x68000 snes apple2gs gamate gameboy aa3010 mame
1990 Platinum Paint Beagle Bros. apple2gs
1987 Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel Sierra apple2e ibm5170 st a500 apple2gs
1990 Pyware Music Writer Pyware apple2gs
1981 Qix Taito a800 a5200 c64 apple2e nes a500 lynx apple2gs gameboy mame
1988 Questron II SSI c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 Rastan Ocean Software spectrum c64 cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 apple2gs sms gamegear vgmplay mame
1988 Reach for the Stars SSG a500 apple2gs pc9821
1988 Read & Rhyme IIgs Unicorn Software apple2gs
1989 Read-A-Rama Unicorn Software apple2gs
1987 Reader Rabbit The Learning Company apple2e ibm5170 mac128k apple2gs
1989 Reading Magic Library - Jack and the Beanstalk IIgs Tom Snyder Productions apple2gs
1988 Reading and Me Davidson and Associates apple2e apple2gs
1989 Revolution '76 Britannica Software ibm5170 apple2gs
1987 Roadwar 2000 SSI c64 apple2e ibm5170 pc8801mk2mr apple2gs
1988 Rocket Ranger Mirrorsoft c64 ibm5170 nes a500 fmtowns apple2gs
1991 Salvation Supreme Vitesse Software apple2gs
1987 Sea Strike PBI Software apple2gs
1988 Serve and Volley Accolade apple2gs
1987 Shadowgate Mindscape ibm5170 mac128k nes st a500 apple2gs
1986 Shanghai Activision coco x1 dragon32 c64 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 mac128k nes pc8801mk2mr a500 pc88va pce x68000 lynx fmtowns apple2gs gameboy sms pc9821 vgmplay mame
1993 Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye Big Red Computer Club ibm5170 apple2gs
1987 ShowOff Broderbund Software apple2gs
1985 Silent Service MicroProse a800 to7 spectrum c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes mo6 to8 x68000 a500 apple2gs pc9821
1986 Silpheed - Super Dogfighter Game Arts coco fm7 ibm5170 pc8801mk2mr genesis apple2gs vgmplay
1987 Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon! Cinemaware c64 ibm5170 st a500 apple2gs
1988 Skate or Die! IIgs Electronic Arts apple2gs
1987 SmoothTalker First Byte mac128k apple2gs
1990 Snoopy's Reading Machine School Publishing Company c64 apple2e apple2gs
1988 Solitaire Royale ゲームアーツ (Game Arts) fm7 hb701fd ibm5170 pc8801mk2mr apple2gs pc9821
1983 Space Ace Cinematronics spectrum c64 cpc464 ibm5170 a500 snes apple2gs genesis cdimono1 mame
1991 Space Ace II - Borf's Revenge Empire ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1986 Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter Sierra On-Line, Inc. apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge Sierra apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs vgmplay
1987 Star Saga - One - Beyond The Boundary Masterplay Publishing Corporation apple2gs
1988 Star Saga - Two - The Clathran Menace Masterplay apple2gs
1989 Stars and Planets Advanced Ideas apple2gs
1990 Storybook Weaver MECC ibm5170 apple2gs
1991 Storybook Weaver - World of Adventure MECC apple2gs
1991 Storybook Weaver - World of Make-Believe MECC apple2gs
1988 Street Sports Soccer Epyx c64 apple2e ibm5170 apple2gs
1987 Strip Poker II Artworx c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 Sub Battle Simulator Epyx c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k a500 apple2gs
1988 Superstar Ice Hockey Mindscape c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1988 Tales From The Arabian Nights IIgs Unicorn Software apple2gs
1983 Tarot Timex zx81 c64 cpc464 hb701fd mo5 apple2gs
1989 Task Force Players spectrum cpc464 apple2gs
1986 Tass Times in Tonetown Activision c64 apple2e ibm5170 mac128k st a500 apple2gs
1989 Test Drive II - The Duel Distinctive Software spectrum c64 cpc464 hb701fd ibm5170 macplus a500 genesis snes apple2gs
1984 Tetris Alexey Pajitnov vip microvsn coco bml3 jupace bbcb fm7 x1 to7 dragon32 spectrum c64 galaxy mc10 apple2e cpc464 hb701fd mo5 ibm5170 vg5k nes pc8801mk2mr pcw8256 tvc64 radio86 mo6 a500 kc85_2 x68000 pc88va genesis ut88mini apple2gs gameboy cdimono1 mini5sx pc9821 dcjp wswan vgmplay mame
1985 The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown Interplay spectrum apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 nes a500 apple2gs pc9821
1985 The Black Cauldron Sierra On-Line / Walt Disney apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs vgmplay
1988 The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 The Software Toolworks apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 The Graphics Studio Accolade apple2gs
1988 The Hunt for Red October Datasoft c64 apple2e ibm5170 apple2gs
1990 The Immortal Electronic Arts ibm5170 nes st a500 genesis apple2gs vgmplay
1987 The King of Chicago Mirrorsoft ibm5170 mac128k a500 x68000 apple2gs
1986 The Last Ninja Ahoy!/Ion International, Inc. bbcb c64 electron apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs aa3010
1990 The Logic Master Unicorn Software ibm5170 apple2gs
1986 The Music Studio <unknown> cpc464 apple2gs
1988 The New Talking Stickybear Alphabet Optimum Resource apple2gs
1988 The New Talking Stickybear Opposites Optimum Resource apple2gs
1988 The New Talking Stickybear Shapes Optimum Resource apple2gs
1987 The Print Shop Brøderbund apple2e mac128k apple2gs
1990 The Print Shop Companion Brøderbund apple2e apple2gs
1989 The Third Courier Accolade ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1987 The Three Stooges Cinemaware c64 ibm5170 nes a500 apple2gs psj gba
1987 The Tower of Myraglen PBI Software apple2gs
1989 The Ugly Duckling The Byte Works apple2gs
1989 The Wonders of the Animal Kingdom Unicorn Software apple2gs
1989 The Word Master Unicorn Software apple2gs
1985 Thexder Game Arts coco fm7 x1 coleco apple2e hb701fd ibm5170 nes pc8801mk2mr a500 apple2gs pc9821 vgmplay
1982 Time Pilot Konami a2600 coleco hb701fd x68000 apple2gs vgmplay mame
1986 Tomahawk Digital Integration mz700 c64 spectrum apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 pcw8256 apple2gs mame
1987 TopDraw (version 1.01A StyleWare apple2gs
1990 Transylvania III IIgs Polarware apple2gs
1988 TrianGo California Dreams apple2gs
1990 Tunnels of Armageddon California Dreams ibm5170 apple2gs
1988 Uninvited ICOM c64 ibm5170 mac128k nes a500 apple2gs
1988 Vegas Gambler California Dreams c64 ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1989 War in Middle Earth Melbourne House spectrum c64 cpc464 hb701fd st a500 apple2gs
1987 Warlock The Edge c64 cpc464 st genesis snes apple2gs
1986 Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? Broderbund c64 apple2e ibm5170 a500 apple2gs
1985 Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Broderbund c64 apple2e cpc464 ibm5170 pce a500 genesis snes fmtowns apple2gs sms vgmplay mame