Year Name Developer Systems
1993 A Survey of Western Art - The Electronic Library of Art Ebook vis
1992 America's National Parks Multicom Publishing vis
1991 American Heritage - Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary Xïphias cdtv vis
1992 American Vista Applied Optical Media vis
1992 Americans in Space Multicom Publishing vis
1992 Astrology Source Multicom vis
1992 Atlas of U.S. Presidents Applied Optical Media vis
1992 Better Homes and Gardens - Healthy Cooking Multicom Publishing vis
1992 Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear Macmillan New Media vis
1992 Bible Lands, Bible Stories Context Systems vis
1992 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Compton's NewMedia cdimono1 vis pippin
1992 December 24th Macmillan New Media vis
1992 Discis Books Multimedia - The Cask of Amontillado Discis Knowledge Research vis
1993 Discis Books Multimedia - The Necklace Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Discis Books Multimedia - The Tell-Tale Heart Discis Knowledge Research vis
1993 Fitness Partner Computer Directions vis
1992 Great Lives Series - Interactive Biographies of American Heroes Vol. 1 The JLR Group vis
1992 Henry and Mudge - The First Book Macmillan New Media vis
1992 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Macmillan New Media vis
1992 Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear Macmillan New Media vis
1992 Kid-Fun Mindplay vis
1992 Kids Can Read! A Long Hard Day at the Ranch Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Aesop's Fables Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Cinderella - The Original Fairy Tale Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Heather Hits Her First Home Run Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Moving Gives Me a Stomach Ache Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Mud Puddle Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Scary Poems for Rotten Kids Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! The Night Before Christmas Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! The Paper Bag Princess Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! The Tale of Peter Rabbit Discis Knowledge Research vis
1992 Kids Can Read! Thomas' Snowsuit Discis Knowledge Research vis
1993 Learn to Play Guitar Volume 1 Parallax Publishing vis
1990 Links - The Challenge of Golf Access Software ibm5170 a500 genesis vis
1992 Mercer Mayer's Just Grandma and Me Broderbund Software vis
1993 Mosaic Magic KinderMagic Software vis
1993 Multimedia Animals Encyclopedia Applied Optical Media vis
1992 Mutanoid Math Challenge Legacy Software vis
1992 Mutanoid Word Challenge Legacy Software vis
1990 My Paint Saddleback Graphics apple2gs genesis vis
1992 Our House featuring The Family Circus Context Systems vis
1992 Peter and the Wolf - A Multimedia Storybook Ebook vis
1992 Playing with Language - Games in English Syracuse Language Systems vis
1992 Playing with Language - Games in French Syracuse Language Systems vis
1992 Playing with Language - Games in German Syracuse Language Systems vis
1992 Playing with Language - Games in Japanese Syracuse Language Systems vis
1992 Playing with Language - Games in Spanish Syracuse Language Systems vis
1984 Race the Clock Mindplay apple2e vis
1992 Rick Ribbit - Adventures in Early Learning Tadpole Productions vis
1992 Rodney's Funscreen Activision ibm5170 vis
1992 Sail with Columbus Parallax Publishing vis
1992 Search for the Sea Multicom Publishing vis
1992 Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Volume I ICOM Simulations ibm5170 vis
1992 Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Volume II ICOM Simulations ibm5170 vis
1992 SmartKids Challenge One Arkeo Software vis
1992 Talking Stepping Stones - Bonus Pack Compu-Teach vis
1992 The Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo - Adventure No. 1 - The Vampire's Coffin Sanctuary Woods vis
1988 The Manhole Cyan ibm5170 pce fmtowns pc9821 vis
1992 The Meeting of Minds Series - Interactive Games of History, Art, Music, and Ideas The JLR Group vis
1992 The New Basics Electronic Cookbook Xiphias cdtv vis
1992 The Secrets of Hosea Freeman Top Ten Software vis
1993 Time Magazine Compact Almanac 1992 Compact Publishing vis
1993 Time Table of History - Arts and Entertainment - 1993 Edition Xiphias vis
1993 Time Table of History - Business, Politics & Media - 1993 Edition Xiphias vis
1993 Time Table of History - Science and Innovation - 1993 Edition Xiphias vis
1992 Title Sampler Tandy vis
1992 Vision - Multimedia Bible for the Entire Family Candlelight Publishing vis
1993 Wild Animals! Optic Moon vis
1992 World Vista Applied Optical Media cdtv vis